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How can I add a new role based on an existing role?

From time to time, you may have organizational changes within your company, such as promotions from within, or introductions of new processes using existing employee resources, for example.

If you find that you have a user who has been changed to a new or different role, let's discuss how you would create a new role using the existing role rights from a different role and how you would change a user from one role into a different role across all projects.

1. Change user's role to the new role, which will have the same or similar rights as the existing role.

    a. First, create the new role.

            i. Open the main template project for your Projectmates site.

            ii. Go to Admin >> Administer Project >> Project – Roles.

            iii. Key in the New Role Name, select the existing role from the drop-down, and click Create Role.

            iv. Make any changes to the new role's access rights that are needed.

    b. Second, change the user's role to be the new one.

            i. From the Jump To drop-down, select Users.

            ii. Click the user's name link to open his/her user profile.

            iii. Select the new role for the user and hit Save.

2. Push this change out to all projects.

    a. First, remove the user from all projects.

            i. On the My Projects tab, mark the radial button for any project where this user has access other than the template project where the above changes were made.

            ii. Click the Selectively Delete Data button at the bottom of the page.

            iii. Push all projects (one to start with, as a test run) into the Delete Data From box on the right. (Also, don’t include the template project.)

            iv. Mark the checkbox for Users, and then for the specific user.

            v. Read this list again, and make sure you followed it exactly. There is no “Oops!” here. Once you are sure everything looks perfect, hit Delete.

    b. Second, add the user back to all projects.

            i. On the My Projects tab, mark the radial button for the template project.

            ii. Click the Copy button at the bottom of the page.

            iii. Push all projects (one to start with, as a test run) into the Copy To box on the right.

            iv. Mark the checkboxes for:

                1. Replace module Role rights in 'Copy To Project(s)' with 'Copy From Project' Role rights

                2. Roles

                3. The particular role you want to copy. (Deselect all other roles.)

                4. Users

                5. The particular user you want to copy. (Deselect all other users.)

                6. Tab/Menu Structure

                7. Team Notes, Project Picture, User Links and Project Info

                8. Discussion

                9. Action List

                10. Bid

                11. Photo Album

                12. Meeting Minutes

                13. Schedule

                14. FlexForm

                15. Budget

                16. Contact/Team Dir

                17. Construction Management

                18. Work Order

                19. Any Custom Business Processes that are listed

                20. Click Copy.

Helpful Hints: The copy process will create any threads, modules, or document tab/menu structure that exists in the template project and does not exist in the Copy To projects. For the threads, modules, and document tab/menu structure that already exist in the Copy To projects, only the selected role's new access rights will be copied.

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