Step 1: Add the basic information about the new project.
- On the My Projects page, click the + Project button.
- Read the Projectmates User Agreement & Software License Terms of Use. Then check the box to agree to the terms of use.
- On the Project Information – General tab, complete all required fields denoted with the Red Dot icon, including the project name, address, and license number.
Helpful Hint: It is a good idea to copy the license number from another project before you start this process.
- Optionally, complete any non-required fields as needed, e.g. project number and project description.
- Then click Save.
Step 2: Copy the template project into this new project.
- Once you hit Save in the previous step, the Copy Project Data screen will display. Select the template project from the Copy From box at the top of the page.
- Ensure your new project appears in the Copy To box on the left. The project should automatically be listed for you.
- Click the Next button in the upper right hand corner
- From App Group drop down choose User Management to copy first.
- Check the box for Select All to ensure all roles and users are selected to be copied. Optionally, remove any roles or users that are not needed for this project.
- Click Next & then Copy to initiate the copy process
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the remaining apps group
Helpful Hint: For items like schedules, action lists, and budgets the option for Data should automatically be toggled to ensure templated data is pushed into your new project.
- Once you have copied from all the App Groups, navigate back to My Projects to open your new project
Step 3: Finish updating the Project Info fields for your new project.
- On the My Projects page, enter the name of your project in the search box.
- Click the name of your project to open it.
- When your project loads on the screen, click the Project Info icon to access the project information pages.
Helpful Hint: The Project info icon is the little i icon located to the right of the project name.
On the Accounting tab, complete any accounting information fields that are relevant for the project.
On the Custom Tabs, complete any custom information fields.
Helpful Hint: Custom Tabs may be configured to show different names on your Projectmates site, or to not show at all.
Click the Save button to complete initial project setup. Your new project is successfully created. You can begin personalizing the users, budgets, schedules and more to get your project up and running.