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What are the different user types in Projectmates?

The Projectmates construction management software is organized into Users, User Types, Projects, Project Administrators, Roles and Contacts.  Understanding the general structure and definitions of these terms will help make being a Site Administrator easier.

Definition of Terms

User:  A user in Projectmates is a person that has a username and password to login to Projectmates.  That user will be able to access whatever projects he or she has been assigned to by a Project Administrator or Site Administrator.  
User Types:  There are several different user types in Projectmates.  Projectmates is typically licensed to provide X number of the different types, depending on information obtained during the initial sales discovery process.  The User types in Projectmates are:  Site Administrator, Project User, Portfolio User, Bid User and Mobile User.   A Projectmates user can be more than one type of user.  For example:   Bob is a Site Administrator, Project User, Mobile user and Portfolio user.  Susan, by contrast is a Project User and Mobile user.  Steve is a Bid user only.

Different User Access Types in Projectmates

Site Administrator:  a User given Site Administrator rights can do a large number of things for Projects Users, and the Projectmates site.  The Site Administrator administers Projectmates for your company.  That user will see the Site Admin tab, if he or she has been granted Site Administrator rights in Projectmates.

  • Items Site Administrator can do for Projects:  Create Projects, Copy Projects, Delete Projects, Selectively Delete parts of Projects, Park Projects, Un-park Projects, Import lists of Projects from a template and more.
  • Items Site Administrator can do for Users and Contacts:  Create Users, designate access types for users, Designate users as Project Administrators, add users to projects or multiple projects, remove a user from multiple projects, import lists of users from a template, Import lists of contacts and more

Project Users: A user given Project access rights can be added to a project.  That is the general user in Projectmates.  If a User is given project access rights, they will see the My Projects tab when they login to Projectmates.

Bid Users:  A user given Bid Access rights can bid on projects that he or she is invited to Bid on.  That user is not added to the project, but submits bid information to a given project.  If a User is given Bid access rights, they will see the Bids/Plan Room tab when they login to Projectmates.

Project Administrator:  A specific type of project user with unique rights to the project.  This person can configure the project, add users, setup approvals, and more.  

Project Co- Administrator:  A specific type of project user with unique rights to the project.  This person can configure the project, add users, setup approvals, and more.  This designation can be set by a system administrator or by a project administrator.

Contact:  A person listed as a Contact is not a user and cannot login to Projectmates.  

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