User defined:
- A User is a person that has been provided a username and password to login and access Projectmates. That user will be able to access whatever projects they have been assigned to by a Project Admin or Site Admin.
User licensing:
Each client's license to Projectmates is set up to provide X number of User licenses, Report User licenses, Bid User licenses (if applicable), and Site Admin licenses. Each number is determined for each client through the Sales process and outlined in the contract terms. Each of these user types are outlined below with further detail on the type of access they provide.
Helpful Hint: An individual Projectmates user has the potential to be assigned more than one user type.
(Ex. Bob is a Site Admin, Project user, and Reports user. By contrast, Susan is a Project user, and Steve is only a Bid user.)
Licensed User types:
Project Users: This designation allows a user to be added to a project. If a User is given project access rights, they will see the My Projects tab when they login to Projectmates.
Bid Users: This designation allows a user to bid on projects that s/he is invited to bid on. If a User is given bid access rights, they will see the Bids/Plan Room tab when they login to Projectmates, under "Program Management".
Helpful Hint: Bid users are not added to the project, but submits bid information to a given project.
Report Users: This designation allows a user to access to view & schedule Pre-Built Reports and Ad Hoc Reports, and can create their own Ad Hoc reports. Report users will see the My Reports tab when they login to Projectmates, under "Program Management".
Site Admin: This designation allows a user to manage a multitude of things for the Projectmates site as a whole for your company. Site Admin users have access to the Site Admin Settings area, and their abilities are outlined below.
- Actions available for Projects:
Create, Copy & Delete projects, Selectively Delete specific parts of project data, Park & Un-park Projects, Import lists of Projects from a template, and more. - Actions available for Users and Contacts:
Create user accounts, Designate user access types, Assign Project Admin users, Add & Remove user access to projects, De-activate user accounts, Import lists of Users & Contacts from a template, and more.Helpful Hint: A person listed as a Contact is not a user and cannot login to Projectmates.
- Actions available for Site management:
Create, Update, & Delete custom fields, Manage Global Approval workflows, Manage module terminology, and more.
Helpful Hint: If you have questions about your current user license count, or wish to purchase additional licenses, reach out to your assigned Client Relationship Manager directly. If you don't know who your Client Relationship Manager is, you can send an email to [email protected] for assistance.
Additional User types:
Mobile User: All users with a login to access Projectmates, and assigned access to projects, can download & access the mobile app (available for both Android and Apple products)
Project Admin: This designation allows a user to manage a multitude of things for a specific project, and has access to the Project Admin Settings area within that particular project.
- Actions available for Projects:
Add/Remove users from the project, Manage project-specific module configuration, Setup project-specific approval workflows, and more.
Project Co-Admin: This designation can be thought of as a secondary Project Admin, and has the same actions available as listed above for Project Admin users. This designation can be given to a user within a project by a Site Admin or a Project Admin user.