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Which website should I visit?

When you first try to access Projectmates, you may not know exactly which web address or URL to use. 

Helpful Hint: Most of our clients have their own website URL to access Projectmates. In this case, the web addresses are formatted as follows:

To confirm you are logging in to the correct Projectmates site:

  1. If you received an email notification that you've been added as a user to Projectmates, locate the email and click the link to access Projectmates.
  2. If you cannot locate this email, but you know you have login credentials, you can try using a search engine to search for Projectmates & the name of your client.
  3. If the search results don't produce the correct web URL, then you can try using this link:
    Helpful Hint: Please note that only a small number of our clients actually use this web address.
  4. If none of the above gets you to the right page, then reach out to your contact with your client. They should be able to tell you which site to visit.

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