Step 1: Fully approve the potential change orders (PCOs)
Helpful Hint: Only fully approved potential change orders (PCOs) that are not already linked will be available to be linked to a change order (CO).
Step 2: Create the change order (CO).
- In the Cost Tracking area of your project, click the Contracts & COs thread (red button) in the left-side menu to expand the options below.
Helpful Hint: This area may be called something different on your site.
- Click the Add new Change Order option in the left-side menu.
- Complete the Select Contract drop-down field. Once selected, wait for the screen to load the data from the contract into this change order.
- Enter a Description of this change order and select a Reason Code.
Step 3: Link the potential change orders (PCOs)
- Click the Link PCO link. The Select PCO to Link pop-up will display.
- Mark one or more checkboxes to be linked to this change order. Then click Apply and Close button. This will save the selections you made and refresh the screen.
- On the General tab, you will see the Days Changed has been updated based on the data from the PCOs that were linked.
- On the Items tab, you will see a line item has been created for each linked PCO.
Helpful Hint: The PCO line item(s) don't have budget/fund code or WBS/section entries and are not linked to the budget. You can either correct this manually, or you can reassign (Copy/Paste) the amount(s) from the PCO line item(s) into the available line items from the contract below.
Step 4: Process the change order (CO) like you normally would from here.
- On the Items tab, you can add additional line items for additional changes not coming from the linked PCOs.
- On the Attachments tab, upload any supporting backup documentation required.
- On the Approvals tab, select the appropriate approval process and click Start Approval.