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Projectmates Release History

Projectmates 24.07 – Jul 20, 2024

  • Performance enhancements throughout for smoother page loading and faster response times
  • Archive is back by popular demand (find in Project Admin)
  • Custom Apps can pull from any custom project info field
  • ‘Copy To’ added in Cost Tracking apps
  • Support for common South American currencies
  • ‘For QA Review By’ field auto-populates review user from previous Daily Field Report
  • Printer Friendly/ Email option in Document Approvals
  • Updated Excel Reports throughout
  • Push Notifications restored for Android devices
  • Standardized field validations throughout
  • Clearer RFI statuses: ‘Overdue (In Draft)’ and ‘Pending (In Draft)’ replacing ‘Final (Draft)’
  • Support for dashes in Custom Project Info fields
  • Advancements to Comments feature:
    • Maintain line breaks
    • Pop-up won’t close if you click outside
  • Enhanced Parked Project management for Project Admins
  • Improved Project Info Update through Import by matching on Project Number or Name
  • More Translation Improvements throughout
  • Show longer WBS codes in Cost Tracking with tooltips
  • .PSD file type supported in all apps


Projectmates 24.06 – Jun 1, 2024

  • Added CSV Export option in ad hoc reporting
  • Polished Audit Log Filters
  • Added Shift/Click feature in Budget & Manage User’s Projects
  • Performance Improvements throughout
  • Added Quarter, Semi-Annual, & Year viewing options in cashflow forecasting
  • Site Admins can set the Project Admin, even when designated as Co-Admins
  • Revamped Max Character handling throughout
  • More Language Refinements in Action List and Reporting
  • Stabilized Bidding tools
  • Added Compatibility for KMZ file type throughout


Projectmates 24.05 – May 4, 2024

  • Printable Submittal Log page export layout
  • Infinite Scroll in Schedules for greater visibility and easier maneuverability
  • Support for Tracking Deleted Comments in all apps
  • Multiple File Attachments in Bid RFI questions and answers
  • Separated Start / Finish Date fields in schedule tasks
  • Link Schedule Tasks to Action List Tasks by task number
  • Scheduled Report Delivery by Email sends report as attachment and not a link
  • Shift/Click Feature Added in Manage Projects and Projects of User screens
  • Copy Process Improvements, including Replace Access Rights for improved site level management of access rights
  • Improved Support for Amazon S3 for scheduled report delivery and instant integration file delivery


Projectmates 24.04 – March 30, 2024

  • New Tagging Feature on Comments
  • Bid Invitation log page send email and printer friendly view
  • New and Improved PDF markup and viewer tool, if enabled
  • Enhanced DocuSign integration – support for adding signers from Contacts
  • Enhanced Next/Previous Navigation for Construction Management tools
  • Unit Price Cost Tracking uses 6 decimal places for Unit Price and Quantity
  • Project Admins can Unpark their own projects
  • Send Reminders feature from My Work
  • Added Flexibility in Project Requests – Any user can start a global approval
  • Improved Printability of RFI log page Excel export
  • Schedule log page shows linked Action List items with blue dot indicators
  • Instant Integration Improved Email Notices and File Naming Convention
  • Support for .AVI file types in all apps


Projectmates 24.03 – March 2, 2024

  • Extended Copy Process Moves to Background - sends email upon completion
  • Budget Subitems Create Cost Tracking items including packages, contracts, POs and pay apps
  • Save and Send Test Now Option for ad hoc scheduled reports
  • Documents Enhancement: Apply Toggle Watch on multiple folders at once
  • CIP Improvement - Include Fund Number in fund field for transactions
  • Contracts, PCOs and COs show Grand Total value on general tab
  • Provide Scheduled Reports Table for ad hoc scheduled reports  
  • Show Scheduled by Column for prebuilt scheduled reports
  • Excel Export for Bid Invitees
  • More Stable Schedule Imports - remove predecessors on parent tasks
  • Languages Setting for Login and other public access pages
  • Cost Tracking Approvals by view other or add access
  • Support for AWS S3 delivery for prebuild reports
  • File Type .OBJ Uploads Supported in all apps


Projectmates 24.02 – February 10, 2024

  • Numerous Copy Process Ameliorations:
  • Show template projects in Copy From by default without requiring search criteria
  • Select Copy To projects using multiple keywords
  • Added Select All option in Documents app group
  • Copy Word and Excel templates in Cost Tracking app group
  • Highlight the previously copied app group in the dropdown
  • New Submittal Register Report: Export to view overall status of all submittal register items
  • Optimized Budget loading times
  • New Search, Sort and Filter Options: Added to Bids/Plan Room, Team Notes, and Asset Planning
  • Schedule Enhancements: Provided greater stability
  • Improved Accessibility: Static and more prevalent scroll bars
  • Tweaked My Work: Reload data by Date Range with a single click
  • Revised Invoice Log Page: Added the Invoice Date column
  • Invoice Items Tab Update: Added option to paste percent values in WC and MS fields
  • Invoice General Tab Modifications: Edit non-essential fields on unapproved, previous invoices
  • Updated Capital Planning: Show Planned Cost breakdowns for loaded escalation scenario
  • Tweaked Schedule Admin: Combined Add and Edit rights into one check box
  • Revised Document Management Versioning: added stability


Projectmates 23.12 – January 6, 2024

  • Cost Tracking Approval Emails show approval status
  • Optional Overlapping Invoice Pay Periods with consecutive start dates
  • View Linked Action List items from the schedule task
  • Cost Tracking Ad-hoc Report Enhancements: Item ids are searchable
  • New Grand Total Column in invoice ad-hoc reports
  • Budget Line-Item Field Localization Enhancements
  • Advanced Fund Allocations in Capital Planning: auto-allocate remaining planned cost
  • Streamlined User Dropdowns Show Last, First, Company and Role across all areas
  • Item Counts Visible in Action Lists complete and verify filter dropdowns
  • Added Select All Option when inviting bidders in Bid Manager tool
  • View Email History by Time in the Transmission log
  • Overall Site Admin Improvements:
  • Updated Import Templates for companies and contacts
  • Better Skill Management in Site Admin: view and remove linked contacts in mass
  • Improved File Attachments: Upload .ACD and .CD3 files


Projectmates 23.11 – December 2, 2023

  • Better Printer Friendly views and Send Email feature across all apps
  • Approval Enhancement: More reliable storage of Certification statements
  • Ad Hoc Reports Augmentation: Added multiple source columns across apps
  • Submittal Export Update: Added 'Description' column
  • Project Info Enrichment: Added link to Project Request
  • Expanded Compatibility with .XLSB file type across all apps
  • More Resilient Date fields across all apps
  • Contingency Functionality Refinement: across cost tracking apps
  • Improved Public Project Requests: better stability
  • Schedule Upgrades: Prompt to remove predecessor links when changing dates


Projectmates 23.09 – October 28, 2023

  • New My Work ‘Cost Tracking’ Tab – gives more high-level visibility and allows users to take action on multiple items
  • Improved Access for Bid Packages – Users with View access can issue approvals
  • Better Tracking of Saved Certification statements for cost tracking approvals
  • Enhanced Submittal Log Page Export: includes ‘Description’ column
  • Enhanced Compatibility with PlanGrid for Documents
  • Easier Managing of User Skills with new Import/Export feature
  • Added File Upload Compatibility for File Type: .M4A
  • Optimized Copy Process – Faster and more reliable
  • Site Admin – Optimization of functionality
  • Improved Asset Planning Export/Import


Projectmates 23.08 – September 23, 2023

  • Copy Process Optimized – Faster and more reliable
  • Comments indicated with orange dots across most modules
  • Improved Email Security with personalized greetings where possible
  • Multiple Site Admin Efficiencies added
  • Invoice Approval emails approval-started-by user and fellows of Payment to user
  • Document Approval Rejection – emails added-by user and approval-started-by user
  • Improved My Work Management – User dropdown includes Company Names
  • Bid Package Vendor Items Tab – Improved ease of use
  • Improved Time-Zone Compatibility across all time-zones in Schedules
  • Enhanced Project Request – Public access and other improvements
  • Updated iOS and Android Mobile App Release – Many functionality improvements


Projectmates 23.07 – July 29, 2023

  • Cost Tracking Enhancements - Improvements to the line items grid
  • Project Info Enhancement - Project number shows in top left corner under project name
  • Schedule Enhancement - Visual representation for comments
  • Schedule Improvements - Minor enhancements and standardizations
  • Discussion Enhancement - Ability to add line breaks
  • Custom App Improvements - Ability to email and view printer friendly version
  • Daily Field Reports / Field Reports - Emails show photo images similar to Action List emails
  • System Support for .XER and .XLSM Files across all modules
  • Tighter Password Security - Available upon request


Projectmates 23.06 – June 24, 2023

  • Improved Accessibility - Changes made to improve visibility in color contrast and CSS coding.
  • Contract/PCO/COs - Enhancements made to optimize the Items tab and improve load times.
  • Schedule - Multiple changes made to improve usability of Projectmates Schedule tool.
  • Invoices - Enhancements made to optimize the Items tab and improve load times.
  • Project Copy - Enhancements to completion messaging for improved tracking while running copy process.
  • Documents - Improvements to history page for email links.
  • RFIs and Submittals - Standardizations to route and close buttons to be consistent with Bid RFIs.


Projectmates 23.05 – May 20, 2023

  • Instant Integration Enhancement - Changes to Instant integration to allow for a carrot "^" character as a delimiter between values.
  • Photos Zoom - Zoom and Pan functionality added to the gallery view of photos.
  • Export Logs - Added excel exports of log pages throughout the application (Cost Tracking, Tasks, My Team, Custom Apps and Construction Management).
  • Budget (Next and Previous) - added previous and next navigation at Budget subitem level.
  • EarthCam Project Dashboard Integration - New integration to show EarthCam live feed and Camera Archives.


Projectmates 23.04 – April 15, 2023

  • Webcam Project Dashboard Integration - New integration to show OxBlue or other camera providers with a refreshed image from camera every 10 minutes.
  • Schedule Redesign - Redesigned schedule in new Projectmates to accommodate multiple views, and task edit pages. Improved load times.
  • Exif Information for Photos - Added automatic Exif Information for photos upload, including location where photo was taken.
  • Action List (Next and Previous) - Added next and previous option from the Action item in new Projectmates.
  • Custom Apps Search - Added search bar to custom apps in new Projectmates.


Projectmates Mobile 5.1 – March 25, 2023

  • Weather component - Changed from Dark Sky API to Apple WeatherKit Rest API
  • New Projectmates Redirection - When accessing My Work and desktop mode, the New Projectmates UI loads


Projectmates 23.03 – March 18, 2023

  • Weather component - Changed from Dark Sky API to Apple WeatherKit Rest API
  • Improved time for Approval - Optimized approvals on New Projectmates for faster performance
  • Improved Redirect Authentication - Improved connection for Procore to Projectmates integration


Projectmates 23.02 – February 25, 2023

  • Improved Loadings - Improved load times for multiple modules in New Projectmates
  • Email improvements - Improved emails in new Projectmates
  • Proposal Requests - Multiple improvements to Proposal Requests


Projectmates 23.01 – January 21, 2023

  • Proposal Requests - Released Proposal Request tool in new Projectmates
  • Bid RFI Notification Improvements - Bid RFI emails have been improved to show more information, and show the question that was asked in the Bid RFI window.
  • Transmission Log - Transmission log was released in the new Projectmates


Projectmates 22.12 – December 17, 2022

  • Save Notification - Save notifications were added when toggling between tabs
  • Documents - Edit Excel files directly in the documents area added for those with markup rights
  • Documents - Edit Word documents directly in the documents area added for those with markup rights


Projectmates 22.11 – November 19, 2022

  • Change Directives - Released Change Directives tool in new Projectmates
  • Cost Tracking Grouping - Added Group by function for all cost tracking pages in New Projectmates
  • Schedule - Added printer friendly option for project schedule
  • Executive Summary - Added Executive Summary feature to New Projectmates


Projectmates 22.10 – October 22, 2022

  • Ad Hoc Reports - Released Ad Hoc Report for ASI tool in New Projectmates
  • RFI - Added Link RFI to change order function in New Projectmates


Projectmates 22.09 – September 17, 2022

  • Instant Integration - Released ability to designate destination as folder on sFTP in Classic/New Projectmates
  • Welcome Message - Added ability to attach non expiring files to Welcome Message in Projectmates


Projectmates 22.08 – August 27, 2022

  • New Projectmates - Beta version of new Projectmates released
  • Currency - Added/Updated five different Project currencies


Projectmates 22.07 – July 9, 2022

  • Cashflow Forecasting - Added improvements to Cashflow forecasting


Projectmates 22.06 – June 4, 2022

  • Mobile - Added improvements to email export of action list from Mobile app
  • Mobile - Added improvements to photo uploads on Mobile app
  • Budget - Added improvements to budget imports


Projectmates 22.05 – May 21st, 2022

  • Mobile - Added improvements to photo uploads on Mobile app
  • Budget - Added improvements to budget imports


Projectmates 22.04 – April 16, 2022

  • Ad Hoc Report - Added improvements to Contract line item detail Ad Hoc Report
  • Ad Hoc Report - Added improvements to Budget line item detail Ad Hoc Report
  • Capital Planning Funds - Added improvements to search bar on Fund Summary page


Projectmates 22.03 – March 19, 2022

  • Schedule - Added improvements to schedule import
  • Invoice Log Page - Added improvements to Invoices log page


Projectmates 22.02 – February 19, 2022

  • Ad Hoc Report - Added improvements to Contract line-item detail Ad Hoc Report
  • Earned Value - Added improvements to Earned Value Management in the Budget Module


Projectmates 22.01 – January 23, 2022

  • Contingency Workflow - Added contingency workflow to cost tracking apps
  • Parked Projects Log - Added project number
  • Projectmates API Authentications - Added a client credentials grant type


Projectmates 21.11 – November 21, 2021

  • Submittals - Resubmittals adhere to Copy To settings
  • Approval Workflow - Allow approvals processed via email to update Last Login Date


Projectmates 21.08 – August 29, 2021

  • Invoices - Add Final Invoice Status to ad hoc reporting and instant integration


Projectmates 21.07 – July 25, 2021

  • Submittals - Resubmittals copy original attachments from previous submittals
  • User Management - Show user's role next to their projects in Site Admin area
  • Asset Planning - Additional enhancements
  • Email Headers - Show "On behalf of [email address]" without first and last name


Projectmates 21.04 - Apr 22, 2021

  • Asset Planning - Added localization to field names
  • Ad-Hoc Reports - Contract, Invoice additional columns added
  • DocuSign - DocuSign review completed and partnership finalized


Projectmates 21.03 - Mar 26, 2021

  • Company Profile - Added ability to copy address and vendor
  • API - Added support for non-admin users to view Swagger and ReDoc documentation


Projectmates 21.02 - Feb 18, 2021

  • Android Mobile App - Added built-in PDF markup support
  • API - Added support for non-admin users to view Swagger and ReDoc documentation


Projectmates 21.01 - Jan 21, 2021

  • DocuSign - Enhancements to conform to DocuSign guidelines
  • Ad-Hoc Reports - Added new columns for Invoice Report


Projectmates 20.12 - Dec 18, 2020

  • Business Intelligence - New database views for Budget
  • Ad-Hoc Reports - Added new columns for Project Request Report


Projectmates 20.08 – Sept 5, 2020

  • RESTful API - brand new, comprehensive API released
  • Projectmates Mobile - new version of Projectmates Mobile app for Apple and Google released
  • Power BI / Tableau - Ability to access Projectmates data thru 3rd Party analytical and visualization tools


Projectmates 19.11 – Nov 23, 2019

  • PlanGrid Integration - RFIs and Submittals can be imported from PlanGrid and pushed back to PlanGrid when completed in Projectmates, also PDF markup files from PlanGrid can be imported into Document Management


Projectmates 19.10 – Oct 10, 2019

  • My Projects - Ability to group projects by any column
  • Instant Integration - email delivery option
  • DocuSign Integration - Invoices module added


Projectmates 19.9 – Sep 26, 2019

  • Procore Integration - RFIs can be imported from Procore and pushed back to Procore when completed in Projectmates. Submittals can also be imported from Procore into Projectmates project.
  • Program Management - Enhancements to track group of projects at a program level
  • Bid RFI - Improvements to Print/Email


Projectmates 19.1 – Aug 17, 2019

  • Archives - Updated archiving process


Projectmates 19.0 – July 20, 2019

  • Bids & Plan Room - Revamped Bids & Plan Room
  • Instant Integration - Ability to send out file attachments for Contracts and Invoices
  • Instant Integration - OneDrive Connector now supported
  • Ad Hoc Reports - Fund Summary ad hoc report added


Projectmates 19.0 – July 20, 2019

  • Bids & Plan Room - Revamped Bids & Plan Room
  • Instant Integration - Ability to send out file attachments for Contracts and Invoices
  • Ad Hoc Reports - Fund Summary ad hoc report added


Projectmates 18.8 – May 18, 2019

  • Instant Integrations - Schedule & Project Info
  • Bid Management - Internal routing for Bid Q n A
  • Capital Planning - Ad-hoc report
  • Capital Planning - Gantt Chart Time Scale filter
  • Capital Planning - Capital Projects simplifying cost allocation
  • My work - Project Request - Requested By column change
  • Photo Mgmt. - Email links show thumbnails
  • Ad Hoc report - Budget By Project ad hoc report - team notes added
  • Bid Management - Bid/plan room bid log mods


Projectmates 18.7 - March 23, 2019

  • Mobile App
  • DFR & FR - Created by and Updated by fields added
  • Schedule - Start and End dates made editable
  • Project Home Page - New layout
  • Ad Hoc Report - New report for bid packages, Project description field added
  • Document Management - Character limit increased for files
  • Contract - Localization additions


Projectmates 18.6 - Feb 16, 2019

  • Ad Hoc Report - Field Report, Team Notes reports added
  • Project Request - Ability to mark Project Request Complete
  • DFR - Linking Photos
  • Schedule - Milestones report - ability to change dates, Compatibility with MS Project 2016
  • Project Admin - Assigning new user as project admin
  • Cost Tracking - Budget fund code made editable, added preliminary budget column to mini report, added fund transaction auditing
  • Instant Integration - Contract Id / Purchase Order Id added to integration columns
  • Security - Wrong password causing delay time introduced


Projectmates 18.5.1 - Jan 19 2019

  • Instant Integration - Create Project
  • Download to Excel - xlsx support added
  • Capital Planning - Gantt chart filter added


Projectmates 18.5 - Jan 12 2019

  • Asset Planning - new module added
  • Ad Hoc report - Added Ids, Added latitude and longitude to Project fields, can be schedule up to 4 times a day
  • API - Create Project, Copy Users and Roles to project
  • Instant Integration - can be scheduled up to 4 times a day
  • Project - Ability to have more than one default profile
  • Project Admin - mass update on multiple projects


Projectmates 18.1 - November 2018

  • API - API requests count limit set to 1000 per day


Projectmates 18.0 - October 2018

  • DocuSign - new module added
  • Cost Tracking - Import category name, moving sub-items, change group even after approval added
  • Doc Mgmt. - Edit Labels
  • Action List - Added Project Number to Overdue notices
  • Doc Mgmt. - Copy documents to different modules
  • PDF markups - Markup ability to pdfs across various modules and other BIM Viewer enhancements
  • Approvals - Revise & Resubmit & Change link to change assigned user functionalities added


Projectmates 17.0 - May 2018

  • Doc Mgmt. - 3D BIM Viewer with 2D & 3D Markups, PDF Viewer with Collaborative PDF Markups
  • Ad Hoc Reports - Line item detail reports for Budgets, Contracts, PCOs, COs, POs and Invoices
  • Instant Integration - Instant Integration add-on feature introduced
  • Mobile App - Project Info viewable from the mobile app
  • Site Admin - All custom project info fields can be edited via import/export


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